
Monthly Archive: September 2013

1950s Vintage Fashions at Daylesford Amazing Mill Markets

September 30 2013

The Amazing Mill Markets has a fantastic collection of 1950s vintage fashions at Daylesford. The old adage what is old is new again might best summarize why vintage clothing is always in style. The fashion of the 1950’s was beautiful, feminie and figure flattering. The origins of 1950s fashion began with Christian Dior’s “New Look,” which consisted of…

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The Amazing Mill Markets range of art deco glass Geelong

September 18 2013

The Amazing Mill Market has an amazing collection of Art Deco glass at Geelong. Art Deco is a design style which first appeared in France after WWI and flourished internationally in the 1930s and 1940s and was one of the most exciting decorative style of that century. During its heyday, Art Deco represented luxury and glamour…

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