Customer Stories…
October 9 2018John and Zoe visited our Ballarat venue on Saturday.
Zoe found a beautiful ring and John picked up a glass for himself.
The couple mentioned that they’re getting married this coming weekend and had popped out to take some time away from wedding preparations.
John went on to tell us how he brought Zoe to The Amazing Mill Markets as part of their first date and it’s a place they continue to visit and love sharing time there together, finding all sorts of different treasures, chilling out and forgetting about all the other worries in life.
We thank John and Zoe for telling us their story and wish them all the best on their up coming nuptials.
We look forward to their next visit and hearing all about the special day.
If you’ve got a great story about The Amazing Mill Markets we’d love to hear it. You can get in touch with us via our social media accounts or email at