
Doin’ it for the KIDS

October 28 2021

Highly respected organisation KIDS were sadly broken into recently and all of their office equipment and much more was stolen.

This amazing organisation reaches out to children that are in a vulnerable environment and empowers children to prevent and recover from harm and injury trauma.

Amazing Mill Market owner Mark Ward was listening to 3AW’s Neil Mitchell when he heard of this horrific event. He immediately  phoned up where he spoke to Neil and KIDS Foundation founder Susie O’neill and told them that he would be donating $10K to help them get back on track immediately. This generous donation will go towards purchasing new office computers, TVs, cameras and much more.

This organisation is not greatly supported by our state or federal government, but relies on the greater community’s support. Neil Mitchell and KIDS founder Susie O’neill were thrilled with Marks generosity. Mark was quoted as saying during these tough times we need to support those in need where we can.

Find out how you can help here: